Buses in Guinea Bissau
36,125 sq km.
Population ca 1.6 million
Large cities: Bissau





Information has been obtained from sources as referenced and the persons indicated below.

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Safari Lda
various buses
midibuses and trucks

Observations and pictures date from 1991. At that time there were two urban services in Bissau. Safari Lda started in 1989 with around 10 secondhand large Dutch buses. In 1991 Transter started operations with a small fleet of new Caetano Ovar buses. Earlier (1980's) an urban service was operated with one old Belgian and one old French bus and in 1977 Norway appears to have delivered a batch of Volvo's but nos sign of these buses was found. Regional transport was mainly by midibuses (mainly Toyota Coaster and a few Nissan Civillian, all called "Quaster") and small trucks (mainly Mitsubishi Canter) with a canvas cover. A handfull of imported new and secondhand buses was also seen. And Toyota Hiace minibuses also were used.

Contributions were made by:
John Veerkamp (1991)
Buses World Wide
(maps and basic data: www.cia.gov)

(This site will be further developed over time)
