
National Youth Service / NBS

Leyland Clydesdale CD45 -Suleman

See also picture(s) below
eig./owner/prop: NYS, in 1988 to Nyayo Bus Service
Chassis: Leyland Clydesdale CD45
Carrosserie/body: Suleman (probably)
cap.: .
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 1986
in dienst/in service/en service: 1986
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

The bodywork mak of these buses has not been definitely established, but they do somehow resemble contemporary Suleman buses as seen in Mombasa. Seen were GKH844, GKH845, GKH847 and GKH848. Though they were not seen with KZG plates later it is assumed they were transferred to NBS in 1988 as they were built as public transport buses.
Pictures taken in Nairobi, April and August 1987.