
National Youth Service / NBS

DAF TB2105 -Choda Fabricators

See also picture(s) below
eig./owner/prop: NYS, in 1988 to Nyayo Bus Service
Chassis: DAF TB2105
Carrosserie/body: Choda Fabricators
cap.: .
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 1987
in dienst/in service/en service: 1987
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

A second batch of DAF TB2105 -Choda Fabricators buses in 1987 had the exit door located between the axles. Contrary to the first batch which had this door in front of the front axle. Seen were five buses: GKL175, 176, 179, 187 and 192. They were transferred to NBS in 1988 and two were noted in 1988 with registrations KZG060 and KZG090.
Pictures taken in Nairobi. August 1987.