Jordan pictures added

22 August 2023

Pictures taken in Jordan have been added to the site! Click here to see all the pictures or go to the Jordan page.

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On this page

PLEASE NOTE: This is a hobbyist’s page, with information and pictures provided by people worldwide. We verify contents and respect copyright as best as we can. But: -we can not be held liable for wrong information. Please tell us if you think that information is incorrect. -we do not provide information on bus services and […]

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The Party Express

The Party Express is a division of Vanderwou in Dongen, Netherlands. The company now has three Scania Omnilink adapted for eventshuttles. Click here for the picture page.

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Taiwan pictures added

4 August 2023

A new country added to our site: Taiwan. The first pictures have been uploaded. Identification of the vehicles will follow soon, once more pictures have been uploaded! Click here to see the pictures or go to the Taiwan page.

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