More Taiwan pictures uploaded

27 November 2023

We’ve added another bunch of 2023 Taiwan pictures, notably from Penguh (Pescadores).

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Algeria pictures added

21 November 2023

We have added pictures to the Algeria page, taken in 1990. The new Van Hool A508 in Algers can be seen. Older MAN SL and Renault S105 are also captured. The oldest bus shown is a Chausson!

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Syria and Guinea-Bissau pictures added

20 November 2023

Old (ca 1980) pictures of buses were added to the Syria page and recent pictures to the Guinea-Bissau page.

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New Egypt pictures.

18 November 2023

We have added several 1970s/1980s Egypt pictures and took the occasion to put the new Egypt page online. The old page and pictures will be integrated soon.

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Relaunch of our Morocco page

8 November 2023

Our Morocco page is back online with images of the major cities taken in 2020 and 2023. It features ex Dutch buses in Tetouan and Tanger, and Chinese Yangtse trolleybuses in Marrakech. Click here for the page.

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