374 sq km.
Population 270.000
Large cities: Dzaoudzi
General information
A very small French overseas territory (TOM), consisting of a small island (Petite Terre) with the capital and the airport, and a larger island (Grande Terre), connected by a ferry. As seen during a visit in 1988, most transport was by Peugeot 404 or 504 pickups with a canvas cover and wooden benches There were a few larger buses though all but one were out of service. These, and some minibuses, were used for school transport.
There is as yet (2023) no real public transport system in Mayotte, though a first phase is set to open by September 2023 (see here). Taxis and taxi-brousse are the main means used. However, an extensive school bus system was developed, which in 2023 has over 100 large buses in service. It is operated under the halO’ banner by four companies:
-the transport of pupils and students of the center is provided by “Tama Ya Leo Na Messo”.Outside the perimeter of CADEMA and Petite-Terre, it also provides transport for people with reduced mobility in the department.
-the “Narendré M’Béli” group transports pupils and students from the north and south of Mayotte.
-the “Ouvoimoja” group provides school transport and transport for people with reduced mobility on the territory of the CADEMA.
-for school transport and the transport of people with reduced mobility on the territory of Petite-Terre, “Transport Salime” is responsible.
From 2010 to 2021 these services were coordinated by Matis, in September 2021, Transdev took over. All services are provided under de halO’ network name. Buses are white. As far as can be seen from pictures they are secondhand from France (or possibly Réunion). Models are the typical IVECO/Irisbus, Fast, Mercedes-Benz and other buses as used on school services in France.
There is a good website providing information on Halo’ (website).