We lived and worked over four years in Rwanda, which gave us the opportunity to discover the country, its people and its complicated history. To understand Rwanda, knowledge about its history, the relation between ethnic groups, the colonial period, the civil war and horrible genocide of 1994, and the country’s dealing with its past is indispensible. The country is going through a remarkable period of social and economic growth. It is extremely well organised, clean and safe and one will not be confronted with the daily corruption which is so rampant in many other African countries. But do not expect open discussions over a drink. The past is still too present. Be informed, be your own judge and enjoy the beautiful landscapes, national parks, museums, cities and people.
While this is not a tourist site and we do not provide services, (public) transport, buses and tourism are closely interlinked so it is natural that we do provide some information. For those wanting to travel by public transport in Rwanda the bus pages provide information on routes and companies.
On our Flickr pages, linked in the column on the right, you will find pictures of the country and its sights. And not just the tourist destinations!
Rwanda is a small but interesting country, clean and safe, easy to travel. While the number of tourist sites may not be overwhelming it definitely is worth a visit! The Rwanda Development Board has an excellent site with tourist information:
Virunga (the gorilla’s and the volcano’s)
Nyungwe forest (Rwanda’s mountain rain forest)
Akagera (the savanna with elephants, giraffes, zebra’s, hippo’s..)
Musea (see the government’s museum site for info):
Ethnographic Museum located at Huye
National Art Gallery located at Nyanza-Rwesero
King’s Palace Museum located at Nyanza-Rukari
Presidential Palace Museum located at Kigali-Kanombe
Natural History Museum (Kandt House) located at Kigali-Nyarugenge
Environmental Museum located at Karongi
National Liberation Park Museum