444 sq km.
Population 148.000
Large cities: Willemstad
General information
Curaçao, officially “Land Curaçao” (Country Curaçao) is an independent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands since 2010, when the Netherlands Antilles were dissolved.
For a century the oil refinery was Curaçao’s main employer and contributor to the economy. However, it currently lies idle and tourism has become the main source of income. Daily cruise ships and flights from the US and Europe bring many visitors, around 1,5 million a year. Resorts abound along the beaches and service providers organise tours and activities.
Curaçao has a mixed culture and a confusing use of Dutch, Papiamento, English and Spanish. The currency, the Antillian Guilder (ANG, called Florin) is pegged to the US $. It is shared with Sint Maarten and will be replaced by the Carribean Guilder in 2025.
Registration plates haev a prefix (or suffix) denoting the vehicle type: BUS = public transport vehicle, TW = Tourist bus/coach, TX = Taxi.
Currently, ABC (Autobusbedrijf Curaçao N.V), still provides public transport, though its operations are limited with less than 30 buses in service. Additionally, minibuses, also registered “BUS”, provide irregular services in the urban area of Willemstad.
From the ABC website:
Between 1943 and 1972 transport consisted of:
Taxi or rented cars
This was completely in the hands of private owners, and was directed towards transporting tourists.
Small busses; so called “Autobus”
The small busses could transport six people and back then the American passenger cars were used. Station wagons were also used to transport eight people and Volkswagen busses to transport nine people. These were also in the hands of private owners.
Big busses
Bus transport, so the big busses that could transport more than 30 people, was managed by two large companies: Bakhuis busline, a private company and ABC. These two companies ran more routes compared to the smaller busses.”
Besides ABC other companies functioned on their own. Back then ABC had strong competition to maintain its existence. There were almost 350 “autobus” that ran around freely; they had permits to drive large American passenger cars or a small bus that could transport eight passengers in exchange for payment.
In 1972 the Central government ABC to the insular government, the Government of Curaçao, which still manages the company today.”
From “OV Klantenbarometer 2016” by RE-Quest:
The ABC network is radially constructed, with the bus stations of Punda and Otrobanda as central points for the southeastern and northwestern lines. Despite the growth of the population and the urban areas and surrounding places, the ABC network has hardly evolved since the 1970s. There are hardly any connections between the districts and villages, all services are focused on Willemstad.
In addition to the ABC bus company, there are the so-called ‘small buses’. These buses are driven by private individuals and have no umbrella organization. Drivers for this means of transport must apply for a permit from the government. The maximum number of permits that the Ministry of Traffic, Transport and Spatial Planning (VVRP) can issue is 400 and all permits have been issued. This permit is issued on the basis of a ‘route application’. In total there are 360 buses for a maximum of 9 passengers and 40 minibuses for a maximum of 15 passengers (Mobility Vision Inner City Willemstad, 2011). These 400 buses, with individual permit holders, provide public transport without a timetable or fixed routes.”
Workers’ transport was provided by DOW (Dienst Openbare Werken) with (old) American school buses. In 1968 this Service was taken over by ABC.
Of course, several companies provide transport and shuttle services for tourists. The largest one is Taber Tours, others are Fiesta Tours and Serenity Shuttles and Tours.
More “fun” transport is provided by a road train, an amphibious vehicle (Splashy Iguana Tours), open party buses and an off-road truck.
Buses are also used for schools and contract transport. Often these are ex-US school buses, though there are also some larger buses and modern midibuses (Hyundai Country). Some companies and organisations have their own bues.
Historically, transport of workers was done by DOW
Contributions were made by:
Albert van Huizen (1994)
Koos Nienhuis (2004)
Jos Nederend (2003, 2011, 2015)
Dennis Verboort (2006)
Harald Jans (2009)
John Veerkamp (2024)