Buses in Cote d'Ivoir
Information has been obtained from sources as referenced and the persons indicated below.
Ivory Coast has a thriving bus industry with many companies/cooperatives operating large buses between the cities. There are several local bus building companies: Carici, Ebro and Geritech and complete imported buses are rare, apart from the SOTRA buses. Abidjan has a large semi-public company, SOTRA, operating a fleet of some some 1000 buses and some 20 boats that ply the lagune. SOTRA buses are imported, though the company started building its own buses after Renault discontinued production of the S105 model. Minibuses, called "Gbaka" supplement the urban bus system. A railway runs from Abidjan all the way to Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. Contributions were made by: John Veerkamp (1990) a.o. Buses World Wide (maps and basic data: www.cia.gov) (This site will be further developed over time) WE WELCOME ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AT info@bus-africa.com |