The Gambia

Unique Transport Services Co

See also picture(s) below
eig./owner/prop: UTSCO 27, UTSCO 35
Chassis: Freightliner
Carrosserie/body: Blue Bird "Vision"
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 2008
in dienst/in service/en service: 2008

The initial fleet of UTSCO consisted of 31 US-type school buses, combining a modern, sleek hood with the very traditional Blue Bird bodywork. All vehicles are in this green colour and are supposedly numbered 1-31. They carry special "registration" plates UTSCO with a number that does not appear to match the vehicle's fleet number. The buses run from Banjul/Serrakunda to several places to the east.
Pictures taken by Carmen Heinze, 2010.