
Nyayo Bus Service

DAF TB2105 -Jonckheere Pacific

See also picture(s) below
eig./owner/prop: NBS KZG889, KZG890
Chassis: DAF TB2105
Carrosserie/body: Jonckheere Pacific
cap.: .
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 1989
in dienst/in service/en service: 1989
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

Among the over 100 DAF TB2105 buses two were seen with Jonckheere Pacific bodywork built in Belgium. The DAF buses were funded by the Netherlands government. The two Jonckheere buses had the exit door in front of the front axle, contrary to the locally built up buses who had the door located between the axles. Bus KZG889 was laer seen with fleet number 1032.
Pictures taken in Nairobi, January 1993 and April 1994 (bottom two pictures).