
Nyayo Bus Service

DAF TB2105 -Choda Fabricators

See also picture(s) below
eig./owner/prop: NBS KZX839......KAB442B, later 1000-series
Chassis: DAF TB2105
Carrosserie/body: Choda Fabricators
cap.: .
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 1989/1990
in dienst/in service/en service: 1989/1990
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

Among the70 buses donated by the Dutch government were part (half?) were built up by Choda Fabricators. The wider black band under the front window and over the side windows distinguish them easily from the LSHS built-up ones. A number of these buses later recieved the new white livery (see pictures below). Fleet numbers were later assigned though few buses effectively carried them. DAF -Choda Fabricators buses seen with fleet numbers were 1051, 1054, 1059 and 1085.
Pictures taken in Nairobi January 1993 (upper 7), April 1994 and February 1995 (bottom 3).