DAF MB200DKDL500 -Van Hool

1 DAF -Van Hool stadsbus ex BBA/Hoefnagels
1 DAF -Van Hool city bus ex BBA/Hoefnagels

eig./owner/prop: RATC 3084,
ex BBA 353 ex Hoefnagels 67
Chassis: DAF MB200DKDL500
Carrosserie/body: Van Hool
cap.: 40/30
bouwj./year built/année constr.: 1979
in dienst/in service/en service: 1990
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

In 1998 was de ex Hoefnagels 67 in de nieuwe blauw-witte kleuren geschilderd.
In 1998 the ex Hoefnagels 67 had been repainted into the new blue and white colours.