Volvo B10R-55 -Hainje

Ex ENHABO CSA I bussen / ex ENHABO, Netherlands, first generation standards city buses.

eig./owner/prop: RATM 179-180, ex ENHABO, Zaandam (Nl) 301, 302
Chassis: Volvo B10R-55
Carrosserie/body: Hainje
cap.: 40/..
bouwj./année constr./year built: 1980
in dienst/en service/in service: 1994?
afvoer/withdrawn/hors service: -

De ENHABO kocht voor de diensten in en rond Zaandam in de periode 1980-1982 in totaal 23 CSA I standaard stadsbussen op Volvo B10R chassis. Deze hadden slechts twee deuren, in tegenstelling tot de meeste bussen van dit type. In 1991 werd de ENHABO opgenomen in de NZH, maar deze bussen bleven in volledige ENHABO uitvoering totdat ze in 1994 verkocht werden. Op de 303-305 na kwamen ze in Meknes terecht. De eerste serie beston uit 3 bussen, de 301-303, waarvan de 301 en 302 de Meknes 179 en 180 werden. De 180 staat hier naast de 173 (ex 323), die de laatst geleverde bus van dit type was.
The ENHABO bought for its services in and around the city of Zaandam a total of 23 first generation standard city buses on Volvo B10R chassis. Contrary to most of these standard buses they only had 2 doors. In 1991 the ENHABO was incorporated into the NZH but these buses remained in full ENHABO livery, including name and numbers, until they were sold in 1994. Apart from the 303-305 they all ended up in Meknes. The first series consisted of only 3 buses, 301-303, of which 301-302 became Meknes 179 and 180. Number 180 is seen next to 173 (ex 323), which was the last bus of this type.