Bus builders in Colombia
Colombia has some 40 known bus body builders. Observations date from 1982, 2008 and later.





Information has been obtained from sources as referenced and the persons indicated below.

On the following pages you will find pictures and descriptions of bus builders in Colombia.
Please click on the links below
AGA Interandina
Atenas Invicta
Auto-Jet JGB
Avellaneda Kinini
Barranquilla Macolcar
Blue Bird Marcopolo
Busscar Metropolitana
Carremol Muisca
Cerinza Non Plus Ultra
Colombia Oneida
Concord Roldania
Continental Samotor
Dorado Superior
Facocar Superlujo
Fuquena Supermustang
Imperial Suprema
Inca Talmer
Independiente Tundama
Induarte Universal

Colombia has a large number of local bus builders, some of which operate purely local. Some started as branches of US bus builders (Superior, Blue Bird). Recently Busscar and Marcopolo have established themseves in the country. Many pictures form 1982 and more recent years are available and will be added to these pages.

There is one other site on Colombian buses, with interesting information: www.busesdecolombia.com

Contributions were made by:
John Veerkamp
(maps and basic data: www.cia.gov)

(This site will be further developed over time)
