GRC-Trikala Bus Company

Greece -

General information


Trikala Bus Company, Trikala

Company website

The municipality of Trikala (85.000 inhabitants) operates buses in the city and its environs. There are around 26 urban buses in the fleet, all secondhand MAN and Neoplan, with some smaller Mercedes-based vehicles, Most buses are of the shorter 8 to 10-meter models. Colors are the usual blue and white.

Triakala is a pilot area in the European Cities4People project. Information can be found on the project site.

It is Greece’s first Smart City with innovations in transport, ICT in schools, electricity consumption reduction, electronic complaints systems, etc.

Part of the project are also these “LetsGo” small electric vehicles, seen on the central square of the town. A driverless electric bus, the CityMobil2, has been tested (see article).