National Youth Service / Nyayo Bus Service

Several aborted attempts were made to number the buses. Initially no numbers were used. The first buses to receive numbers were the Volvos, with the city buses being numbered V-001 (I assume) to V-102 (highest number seen). There was no relation between the license plate sequence and the number, and some buses did not have a number. The two intercity coaches seen were numbered IC-001 and IC-003.

In 1994 a numbering system for all buses was in place, with the Volvos being numbered in the 2000/2100-series (highest seen was 2105), the DAFs in the 1000/1100-series (highest seen was 1103) and the IVECOs in the 3000-series (highest seen 3086). Again, there was no relation to sequence of license plates, age, body type or, with the Volvos, the previous number. Only with the IVECO it seems that the Ikarus variant received the higher numbers. But many buses never received their new numbers at all. A good indication on how management decisions did not get any follow up.